Thursday, June 19, 2008

Better mood

I've been in a rut lately. I haven't really felt like myself, and wasn't sure why. So, in my process of figuring out how to get back to the way I was before the end of the stressful semester knocked me out, I have been trying several things.

See about December 15, 2007 I started going to Curves 3 times a week. I've had a membership there for like four years now, but have never been able to get into a groove of going; where I didn't have to talk myself into it. It was actually kinda fun, not that I made any great friends there, but I enjoyed it and enjoyed having time to myself. So, by getting into the groove I went three times a week, faithfully for about 3 months. Then about March I decided to add another day, plus start doing situps. I loved those too (totally not being sarcastic at all, no seriously i'm not. really. this isn't sarcasm either...fine don't believe me) I got to where I enjoyed it, almost looked forward to it. Then some things started happening, I started having trouble with classes and other things. That just totally threw me off. So, I ended up going into survival mode. I stopped going to Curves, stopped doing pretty much everything but working and going to school. Well, now that everything thing is done, and I'm all gradiated and stuff, I'm still in a rut. It's been what like almost two months now. I don't know how to get back into that mode. Maybe, the fact that I recognize it and and consiously trying to change some things will help with that.

So, in order to get out of this rut I'm going to try a couple things. I'm going to make some conscious efforts to go to Curves three times a week. I felt better when I did that, and I was happier. And I looked better in my clothes. I'm going to write three things consisting of things that I did good, or am good at, or something I accomplished every day. And I'm also going to the tanning bed, that is helping me because I don't make it outside very much and am only tanning on my left arm (the arm that gets sun on my 20 minute drive to work every day). Don't worry I'm not going to go every day and lay in there for half an hour; I know what could happen and i'm being careful.

This is my "get out of my rut" plan. I'll let you know how that's going, as I work it.

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