I click on the link to my blog every once in a while to check on it and make sure that it's still doing ok, but I haven't actually made it feel welcome for a while. My excuse is the same one that I gave the last time I made an entry. I have been working on my bachelors for a year and a half straight now, which means that there is only two weeks between each quarter, but thankfully I should be done this September.
Honestly, it scares the crap out of me to be almost done with my degree; because when I get that piece of paper then I have to get an adult job. Not that I don't work now, because I do work full time half the year, and a little more than part time the rest of the year. I'm talking about a "suit" type of job, you know the kind where you make big decisions. lol I just still feel like a little kid who is tricking everyone into thinking that I've grown up. Like, I honestly have this fear that they're going to look at me one day and ask me "what are you doing here?" I don't know why that runs through my head though, because I do my best at work and feel like I have a handle on it (most of the time). Plus my boss seems to like my decisions, so I must not be doing to bad. But I feel like I get in this comfort zone and would rather just stay there than move up and have to learn everything over again.
There's this dog that lives a couple houses down, it sounds exactly like my old dog's high pitched bark. The bark that we would hear when he was tired of asking to come inside, and was probably using choice words to tell us to let him in. It makes me miss him to hear that bark. Not, the Albert that could hardly walk on our hardwood floors, or the one that would run into walls b/c he couldn't see; but the Albert the would let me hug him as I went to sleep at night, and the one that would sit on the back of the couch like a cat. I keep making hints about getting another one, but since I'm so busy it would actually be my mom's dog again, and she said she's still on dogcation. He was barking just now, so that's why you got to go one the ride down memory lane with me; wasn't it fun?!
Well that's all that's on my mind right now, thank you for your prayers!!
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