Wow this has been some crazy months. Since I last wrote I moved to Nashville, have my own apartment, and am currently working full time and going to school. That may tell you a little bit of why I haven't written.
Some awesome things that have happened are that my boyfriend and I just celebrated the fact that we've been together one year!!! I never would have thought a year ago that I would be talking about being with someone at all, let alone a year. I am so blessed to be loved by him, he is such a wonderful kind and caring man. God really answered my prayers with him.

For our anniversary he planned a whole day of activities, which is so cool that he spent all that time to plan that stuff. He woke me up with breakfast in be, pancakes and sausage (which he made by the way, he has never cooked before so I was very impressed). Then we just kinda hung out the rest of the morning, and then we went and saw that new Richard
Gere and Diane Lane movie
Nights in Rodanthe. It was
soooo good and very romantic, he did very well. Then we went to Barnes & Noble, which to some people may not be very romantic but the fact that he knows that that's where I love to go and relax is very romantic to me. I love going there and hadn't been in a long time, and really needed it after the long week I had had. Then after that we went home and dressed up a bit and then he took me out to one of my
favorite restaurants, O'
Charley's. It was the perfect day, I loved every bit of it especially because I had a whole day with him, and that he had done a lot of work to plan it. I love him very very much, and am so thankful God answered my prayers. He was worth the wait.
I am doing well in my classes so far, I actually should be studying right now instead of being on here but my laptop was calling my name. Well I'm going to go plan out some lunches for the week, I'm trying not to eat out as much or at all. Hope this finds you well.
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