Thursday, May 14, 2009

The beginning and end. The Alpha and Omega. Genesis and Revelation. Birth and death. 

Freshman and Senior. 

I know these probable seem like big things compared to school. But I was thinking of some of my friends today who are graduating from college. They started out a young Freshman, probably nervous when stepping on the big campus (I know I was!). But now __ years later they are finishing a part of their lives. They 
have completed one more phase in the continuous thing that we call life. I am so proud of them for sticking it out, and finishing so well. 

Now that they are finishing this phase they will inevitably move into the next one. It isn't something that they can stop, now that they are this far. They have already started moving into that next part emotionally. Some are physically moving to start this new phase, and others are changing jobs. It can be so scary when you are stepping out on to the invisible path that is before you. This makes me think of Indiana Jones when he steps out onto what look like nothing; only to discover a hidden bridge. 

Thankfully when we are stepping out on faith there is someone that has seen the path before us. He has already been there, he knows what is over the next hill, or mountain. I am so thankful for a Savior that is looking out for me, and that knows what is coming up next in my path. He wants us to trust Him, and to keep our eyes on Him while we're walking the treacherous path. And to ask for His guidance when choosing a path to follow. And the best part is that there was no beginning to Him, and there will be no end to Him. So, He's always gonna be there for us.

But, unfortunately we aren't guaranteed a smooth path when following Him. I have really learned that this past year. But He has been faithful to me, knowing what is best for me the whole time. And He will continue to do so the rest of my life, as long as I keep my teachable heart. 

Dear Lord,
Please bless my dear friends as they embark on a new journey in their lives. Please help them to look to You for guidance, and to keep their eye on you instead of what is around them. Please Lord keep them safe in this new time of their lives. Give them teachable hearts, and open eyes; so they can see and learn what you are trying to show them. Help them to form a great support group around them during this time, because that is also crucial to their success. Thank you so much Father for hearing our hearts. 

In Jesus Name Amen

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I can't wait till next week is over!!!

But then again I wish I had a week of vacation before I started my new job. 

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I'd like to start an online Bible study, but I'm not totally sure how to do it. I think it would be easier to do an online one because then people could just respond when they have time. I'd like the first one to be from the book "Captivating". So, if you'd like to be a part of this Bible study let me know.  I have the workbook, so I will be pulling the questions from that. so you don't have to buy it if you don't want to.

Also I think it'd be better that it is closed once it gets started so we can share openly. Just leave a message on here, or email me at if you are interested. And I'll let you know once I find a way to do it.

Also it will start after May 15. I'm not starting anything until the semester is over.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

How can it be possible that one guy repulses me, drives me crazy half the time, acts like an idiot, does a whole bunch of stuff that I don't agree with; and yet every time I see him he it makes me smile, and has some really great qualities, is working on his relationship with God, and is working hard on his degree. 

But the thing is... he doesn't know I exist. 

At least in a romantic way. 

Why can't I get him out of my head?!?!