There was a commercial for an online dating site that targets married people looking to have an affair!!!!! I can't believe it!! I'm still appalled as I think about it. I mean what is this world coming to? Is there no respect for marriage these days? I mean I know that it's not easy, and yes I know that I will never know how hard it is until I am married but there is just NO EXCUSE for someone to cheat. Let alone a company to make money off people having affairs!! People just give up on each other so easily now, it's like they go into it saying that if it gets too hard they can always bail. Well that shouldn't be an option, I mean why get married at all if you're going to give up at the first tough moment. Why not save all that money that you spent on the Wedding (this white dress that if you actually thought about what it meant you wouldn't be wearing one). Why not just take that money and go on a vacation and then part your ways, b/c you can't seem to take any more of each other than how you are on a vacation.
I try not to judge others, but honestly it is hard. But how can I when my sins are just as bad as theirs. I can only ask forgiveness when I sin, and when I judge others. I hope that God will forgive us for our sins. We are so blessed to have such a merciful and loving God, that doesn't just wipe us out when we screw up. I hope that I will not be the only one to speak out against this. Please God forgive us.